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 Robert Dean (ufologist)

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Posts : 123
Join date : 2009-08-19

Robert Dean (ufologist) Empty
PostSubject: Robert Dean (ufologist)   Robert Dean (ufologist) I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2009 5:41 pm

Robert Orel Dean (born 1929), also known as Bob Dean, is a retired Command Sergeant Major in the US Army, who became notable in UFOlogy circles after he claimed to have viewed "Cosmic Top Secret" documents detailing alien activity on Earth. He now lectures in ufology around the world and has been described as 'an elder statesman of the UFO community'
Dean has appeared many times on radio, TV documentaries and at conferences discussing the subject of UFOs and Extraterrestrial life.
Dean is also notable for having successfully sued his employer under anti-discrimination laws on the ground that they were treating him unfairly because of his belief in UFOs.


Robert Dean (ufologist) Bobdean


Bob Dean and Marcia Schafer:


Bob Dean. European Exopolitics Summit Congress 2009.
Barcalona - July 25/26th.
"Disclosure." Sat July 25th 2009. (1 hour)

Bob Dean. Exopolitics Summit Press Conference, Barcelona, 24 July 2009.

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