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 David Ovason

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Posts : 123
Join date : 2009-08-19

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PostSubject: David Ovason   David Ovason I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 10, 2009 2:28 pm

David Ovason is an authority on the sixteenth-century French prophet, Nostradamus, an expert in symbolism and a historian of arcane subjects, with a particular interest in the history of astrology.

Official web site:

David Ovason is a prolific writer, the following are just an example of his work.

In 1998, Random House, London, published "The Zelator". A Modern Initiate Explores the Ancient Mysteries, co-authored by Mark Hedsel and David Ovason.

David Ovason Books.1

"The Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital" was published in 1999 by HarperCollins of New York.

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In that same year of 1999, Arrow Books (an imprint of Century Books) published The Book of the Eclipse: the hidden influences of eclipses.

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"The Secrets of Nostradamus", was published by Random House in 2000. Since that time, it has appeared in a paper-back edition (as The Nostradamus Code), in an American edition, published by HarperCollins, in New York, and in twelve foreign editions.

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In 2001, Random House published "The Two Children". A Study of the Two Jesus Children in Literature and Art. In the same year, HarperCollins published, "Nostradamus: Prophecies for America".

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In 2004, HarperCollins published, "The Secret Symbols of the Dollar Bill". In the same year, Perenniel Currents (an imprint of Harper Collins) brought out the paper back edition.

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In 2005, Sutton Publishing (England) brought out, "The History of the Horoscope".

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David Ovason material in youtube:

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